Finalmente Hasbro alegó que ya no podían usarlo, y distintos escritores han tenido que usar varios trucos para poder usarlo sin realmente mencionarlo, para poder también usar los conceptos relacionados a él para los que Marvel sí tiene los derechos. Un ejemplo de esto se pudo recientemente en Inifnity, donde aparecieron otros Spaceknights con diseños claramente inspirados en Rom.
Ahora se rumora que Hasbro podría estar planeando su regreso, incorporándolo al universo de Transformers, y que quienes podrían dar inicio a esto serían los de IDW a través de sus comics:
"So, there are currently three trademarks Hasbro has applied for. The first is for comic books and was granted in April 2013. They’ve already used the first of their five possible extensions to use it in commerce (i.e. publish aROM comic book). Extensions are required every six months if Hasbro doesn’t have proof of use. Five extensions give them three years to do so.
The second trademark is for “toy action figures and toy robots convertible into other visual toy forms,” which leads to the already existing rumor that Hasbro is going to make Rom part of the Transformers toy line. It, too, was granted in April 2013 and has had one extension filed against it.The final trademark is for “entertainment services, namely an on-going animated television series for children.” This one was only granted in June 2013 and, because I’ve gotten lazy, is new to me. It would seem to contradict Hasbro making Rom part of the Transformers, unless such a TV series would be a spin-off of Transformers: Prime or something. The first extension was just granted last month.
It’s a popular thought. The Transformers Wiki page has a listing for Rom for, as they say,
What he’s doing here is anyone’s guess.
With details of leaks for a Transformers character called Rom The Space Knight from Hasbro."
Vía: BleedingCool