Saludos, fans de David Finch. Hoy les traigo Todas Las Noticias Que Importan de la San Diego Comic Con 2014. Del lado de los comics, no hubo muchas sorpresas, solo más detalles de cosas ya anunciadas como AXIS y Multiversity. Las únicas excepciones fueron los detalles de los nuevos comics de Star Wars de Marvel. Y del lado de las películas...pues estuvo igual de pinche. En especial del lado de Marvel Studios, quienes no anunciaron ni mostraron absolutamente nada nuevo, salvo la fecha de estreno de Guardians Of The Galaxy 2 (Julio 28 del 2017. El día predicho para el funeral de Óscar. Lástima...tendré que enviarle las flores después). ¡A darle!
-Marvel anunció una nueva serie animada de los Guardians Of The Galaxy, sumada a apariciones del equipo en todas las series animadas que Marvel ya tiene. Se mostró un clipde la serie...que aún no está en línea, pero los testigos dicen que llama la atención su estilo de animación, muy distinto a lo que se ha visto ahora por parte de Marvel. Dicen que podría ser la primera evidencia de la influencia de Stephen Wacker, quién se pasó para la división de animaciones desde el lado editorial hace un par de meses.
Por otro lado, DC anunció dos nuevas películas animadas. Batman Vs. Robin, ligeramente basada en el arco Court Of Owls de Scott Snyder y Greg Capullo (aunque que MUY ligeramente) y Justice League: Gods & Monsters, con una historia original de Bruce Timm.
-El escritor Greg Rucka se va a la verga del título Cyclops después del número 5. El nuevo equipo creativo será conformado por el escritor John Layman y el dibujante Javier (a)Garron, quienes prometen más aventuras de piratas espaciales. El motivo de la salida de Rucka es una depresión severa causada por escribir a semejante llorón su apretado itinerario como escritor de novelas, pero prometieron que escribirá otro título X pronto.
-En noviembre DC lanzará Batman '66: The Lost Episode. Será escrito por Len Wein, dibujado por José Luis García Lopez y Joe Prado, y con portadas de Alex Ross y García Lopez. Estará basado en un guión nunca producido que Harlan Ellison escribió para la serie.
-Salió el trailer de Mad Max: Fury Road, a estrenarse en Mayo de 2015. No olviden llevar a sus mamás a verla como regalo, hijos pinches. La película está ubicada después de los eventos de Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome.
-Marvel anunció el lanzamiento de tres nuevas series ubicadas en el universo de Star Wars. Star Wars, de Jason Aaron y John Cassaday (al menos durante los primeros números); Star Wars: Darth Vader, de Kieron Gillen y Salvador "Chuequín" Larroca; y la miniserie de 5 números Star Wars: Princess Leia, de Mark Waid y Terry Dodson. Las series debutarán en Enero, Febrero y Marzo de 2015, respectivamente. Básicamente, Marvel REALMENTE no se anduvo con mamadas y puso a algunos de sus mejores talentos.
Las series se ubicarán tras el final de la trilogía original (ayudando al esfuerzo de Disney por enterrar la trilogía moderna definitivamente en el olvido), a excepción de Star Wars: Darth Vader, que ocurrirá tras la destrucción de la primera Estrella de la Muerte, por obvias razones.
Mark Waid habló sobre su miniserie, Princess Leia:
Kieron Gillen sobre Star Wars: Darth Vader, por la que tuvo que dejar Iron Man:
Y Aaron, quien dejó Amazing X-men:
Now you know why I had to leave "Amazing X-Men" so suddenly. [Laughs] There was a week several months back where my entire schedule that had been laid out for the year sort of blew up, but, of course saying no was never an option. As soon as Axel [Alonso, Marvel's editor-in-chief] called me up and said "Star Wars" I was in.
Like most everybody else my age, I grew up a huge Star Wars fan. I still remember seeing the original trilogy in its first go around, I still have my original Darth Vader action figure case, and I still have all my figures. It was not an opportunity that I saw coming. It was not what I envisioned doing this year, but it was certainly a very pleasant surprise.
Pretty much everything is on the table. Just because the story is set in the time period it's set in doesn't mean we can't pull resources from other parts of the "Star Wars" timeline and universe -- as long as things make sense. It's a bit like dumping all the toys out on the table and seeing how we can mix them up, which is one of the things that's fun about it.
So yes, if there is stuff from the previous "Star Wars" comics that fit with what we want to do, great. We have the option of picking and choosing what we want in conjunction with Lucasfilm of course.
We'll certainly expand the cast as things go along, but for this first arc I wanted to focus in on the main movie cast. So this first arc is pretty much Luke, Leia, Han, Chewie, the droids, Darth Vader and one other character who pops up a little later in the arc.
I want this to feel like the book you could have read two months after that original film came out. Really all you need to know going into this book is what you saw in the first movie. So I wanted to get back to the films as the main inspiration for this. We're going to start by focusing in on those characters. Going forward, we'll start to broaden that with new and existing characters.
'm going to be careful, especially initially. I don't want to do something that seems jarringly out of touch with the films. For me, this job is different than writing characters like Wolverine or Spider-Man. Those characters have decades worth of comics going back 60 years in some instances. They're characters that have been part of almost every sort of story you can imagine.
So for me, what's cool and refreshing about this new book is we kind of start over with the "Star Wars" Universe. It comes back to where it all began with those first few films. So I want this to read like it's in that same universe. I want this to have the feel of that original film. I want it to be as funny, exciting and filled with wonder as the movies were. That's what I'm going for. As we go along we might break out of that mold a little bit and see different kinds of stories, but for now this is what we're shooting for.
There will be another story though that's kind of interwoven into our main story in "Star Wars." I don't want to say too much about it, but we'll do the occasional flashback story that will give us more insight into the "Old Ben" version of Obi-Wan Kenobi. I always loved that character in the original film and we never really see much of that version, the Alec Guinness version. So even though he's dead he'll be a character in the book as well.
Y menciona que el artista, John Cassaday, es bien fans:
First off, he's the world's biggest "Star Wars" fan, which I didn't know. When we first got this job and first started talking about it we got to go out to San Francisco and have meetings with Lucasfilm. As part of that we got to go out to the Skywalker Ranch and get a tour of the archives. So we're all walking through these shelves piled with the actual blasters, lightsabers and the real Yoda. It was pretty much everything, which was amazing.
In that group of people which includes me, Kieron, John, and several people from editorial, nobody was a bigger "Star Wars" geek than Cassaday. He seemed to recognize more of the blasters, lightsabers, and ships than anybody else. He was definitely geeking out.
So it's clear that he's a huge "Star Wars" fan. He's been incredibly excited about this from the get-go. He's very into it and has a lot of ideas of his own on how this should be and what we should do. I've seen the pages and the cover he's turned in and you can see that passion in them. His work looks amazing.
Las series se ubicarán tras el final de la trilogía original (ayudando al esfuerzo de Disney por enterrar la trilogía moderna definitivamente en el olvido), a excepción de Star Wars: Darth Vader, que ocurrirá tras la destrucción de la primera Estrella de la Muerte, por obvias razones.
Mark Waid habló sobre su miniserie, Princess Leia:
She's the one I feel most kinship with and the one who, to me, seems most layered and most rich with potential. Of the Episode IV characters, who's lost more than she has?
With Leia, there was just no screen time in Episode IV to deal with the emotions she must feel after having lost her entire world. This story begins only a short time after the end of the ceremony at the end of Episode IV as her adrenaline subsides and she's forced to ask herself, "What next?"
Kieron Gillen sobre Star Wars: Darth Vader, por la que tuvo que dejar Iron Man:
It's unlike anything I've done before and it's such an enormous thing for Marvel and Lucasfilm. Also, part of it was I thought I could really kill on that book. Putting aside Darth Vader being one of the greatest villains of all time, the Star Wars mythos, and the very interesting time period when the story is set I've wanted to write a villain book forever. I've thrown the idea around a few times and if anyone has read my stories they know I tend to spend a lot of time with my villains.
So all of those things came together and it was like, "Yes! This is great! I get to do the story of Darth Vader from the end of the first "Star Wars" film to the start of " The Empire Strikes Back!" It's a big story too. It's not just that I want to write Darth Vader. It's that I get to write this story of Darth Vader and it's all in canon. As far as Lucasfilm is concerned, this is what happened.
So at the end of the first "Star Wars" film he's the sole survivor of the greatest military disaster of all time. And more importantly he let the Rebels escape with the plans! He chose to let them escape with the plans. There are lots of people to blame for the Death Star. It's not like it's just Darth's fault, but he certainly foots some of the blame.
Then the next time we see him in "Empire" he's more powerful than ever. He treats people in "Empire" with more contempt than he treats them in "A New Hope." So something happens between those two films. There is the question of what the destruction of the Death Star actually created. So this story is basically the fall and rise of Darth Vader and all the things that happen along the way. That's why it interests me.
When I talk about this I tend to use the film "The Godfather" as a reference in terms of how it worked and that it featured a villain protagonist who we're still interested in. The second reference I use is "House of Cards." This is a man who is an incredibly powerful member of an organization and he feels he is being slighted. This is him choosing and being forced to do things he maybe wouldn't have done originally and to rebuild and change his power situation.
So basically Darth starts our story in relatively low standings and he's troubled by some lingering questions from our inciting incident like who was that guy who blew up the Death Star? Why the hell did Obi Wan come back? That's kind of where I see him at the start, and despite the fact that we know the ending in some ways, we know Darth is around in "Empire," this is still compelling. It's the same reason why anyone would be interested in the prequels; that question of how did they get from A to B?
The Lucas people have put those other stories under their "Legends" banner. So I'm free to take stuff that we find interesting and want to reintroduce, but I'm not constrained by that. The concentration here is what is the purest burst of the concept of "Star Wars," and specifically the idea of Darth that we can do?
So that's kind of the way I see the old material. If you were to look at my pitch documents to the Lucas people you'd see I ask for the most random stuff. "Can we have this?" I'm very free with taking stuff from the Expanded Universe that I think might be interesting to reintroduce. I've never worked at a company that's rebooted their universe, but in some ways I imagine it's a little like this. Anything that looks really good, insane and sexy I may use, and if there's other stuff I don't want to use that's fine.
There's lots of interplay between my book and Jason's, but not in a way where you have to read them both, but if you do you'll see how they operate as an elegant machine. It's like when I was on "Uncanny X-Men" and Jason was on "Wolverine & the X-Men." This is not something we're unfamiliar with and it worked very well.
The distance from Vader is such a big part of the character. After the cry of grief at the end of Revenge Of The Sith, he disappears beneath the black helmet. Why is he doing what he’s doing?
A big part of the book is me showing how the motivation may change as we progress, how the relationship between he and the Emperor isn’t static, and how new facts and new discoveries may alter that.
To state the obvious, at the end of A New Hope, Vader has no idea he has a son. At the start of Empire Strikes Back, he does. It’s the mirror scene to Empire’s “I am Your Father” and we never get to see it. That’s one of the core driving parts of the book.
Bar the movies, my main influences when thinking about the series are The Godfather and House Of Cards. In other words, I’m looking for compelling, fascinating, horrifying and understandable – but not necessarily sympathetic. With all our cast, I want people to not be able to look away – and still, in it recognise something true about us as living creatures.
It also helps that Vader, for all his obvious failings, is a grand figure. My book isn’t just about trying to hunt down the Rebels. That’s what he does on Tuesdays. Vader has many more problems to deal with, from the underworld to other power factions inside the Empire who see this once-favourite’s star falling. Given the option between Vader and some of the people he faces, we side with Vader. He has dignity and opera, for a start.
Y Aaron, quien dejó Amazing X-men:
Now you know why I had to leave "Amazing X-Men" so suddenly. [Laughs] There was a week several months back where my entire schedule that had been laid out for the year sort of blew up, but, of course saying no was never an option. As soon as Axel [Alonso, Marvel's editor-in-chief] called me up and said "Star Wars" I was in.
Like most everybody else my age, I grew up a huge Star Wars fan. I still remember seeing the original trilogy in its first go around, I still have my original Darth Vader action figure case, and I still have all my figures. It was not an opportunity that I saw coming. It was not what I envisioned doing this year, but it was certainly a very pleasant surprise.
Pretty much everything is on the table. Just because the story is set in the time period it's set in doesn't mean we can't pull resources from other parts of the "Star Wars" timeline and universe -- as long as things make sense. It's a bit like dumping all the toys out on the table and seeing how we can mix them up, which is one of the things that's fun about it.
So yes, if there is stuff from the previous "Star Wars" comics that fit with what we want to do, great. We have the option of picking and choosing what we want in conjunction with Lucasfilm of course.
We'll certainly expand the cast as things go along, but for this first arc I wanted to focus in on the main movie cast. So this first arc is pretty much Luke, Leia, Han, Chewie, the droids, Darth Vader and one other character who pops up a little later in the arc.
I want this to feel like the book you could have read two months after that original film came out. Really all you need to know going into this book is what you saw in the first movie. So I wanted to get back to the films as the main inspiration for this. We're going to start by focusing in on those characters. Going forward, we'll start to broaden that with new and existing characters.
'm going to be careful, especially initially. I don't want to do something that seems jarringly out of touch with the films. For me, this job is different than writing characters like Wolverine or Spider-Man. Those characters have decades worth of comics going back 60 years in some instances. They're characters that have been part of almost every sort of story you can imagine.
So for me, what's cool and refreshing about this new book is we kind of start over with the "Star Wars" Universe. It comes back to where it all began with those first few films. So I want this to read like it's in that same universe. I want this to have the feel of that original film. I want it to be as funny, exciting and filled with wonder as the movies were. That's what I'm going for. As we go along we might break out of that mold a little bit and see different kinds of stories, but for now this is what we're shooting for.
There will be another story though that's kind of interwoven into our main story in "Star Wars." I don't want to say too much about it, but we'll do the occasional flashback story that will give us more insight into the "Old Ben" version of Obi-Wan Kenobi. I always loved that character in the original film and we never really see much of that version, the Alec Guinness version. So even though he's dead he'll be a character in the book as well.
Y menciona que el artista, John Cassaday, es bien fans:
First off, he's the world's biggest "Star Wars" fan, which I didn't know. When we first got this job and first started talking about it we got to go out to San Francisco and have meetings with Lucasfilm. As part of that we got to go out to the Skywalker Ranch and get a tour of the archives. So we're all walking through these shelves piled with the actual blasters, lightsabers and the real Yoda. It was pretty much everything, which was amazing.
In that group of people which includes me, Kieron, John, and several people from editorial, nobody was a bigger "Star Wars" geek than Cassaday. He seemed to recognize more of the blasters, lightsabers, and ships than anybody else. He was definitely geeking out.
So it's clear that he's a huge "Star Wars" fan. He's been incredibly excited about this from the get-go. He's very into it and has a lot of ideas of his own on how this should be and what we should do. I've seen the pages and the cover he's turned in and you can see that passion in them. His work looks amazing.
Aquí las primeras páginas:
-Marvel publicará en diciembre S.H.I.E.L.D., de Mark Waid, Carlos Pacheco, Alan Davis, Chris Sprouse y otros. La serie introducirá a los agentes de la serie de televisión al Universo Marvel (bleeeerrrghhh), además de convertir a personajes ya existentes en Agentes por primera vez, desde Rocket Racoon hasta Howard El Pato. Cada número tendrá una aventura autocontenida, y contará con un artista distinto.
-También lanzarán en noviembre el primer número de una nueva serie regular de Spider-Woman, escrito por Dennis Hopeless y "dibujado" por Greg Land. La serie será protagonizada por Jessica Drew y Silk, la más reciente mujer arácnida.
-Esta semana al fin saldrá Sandman: Overture #3, cuatro meses después del número anterior. DC sacó un previo para que veans que valió la pena la espera...y para que se olviden de su existencia...
-Esta semana al fin saldrá Sandman: Overture #3, cuatro meses después del número anterior. DC sacó un previo para que veans que valió la pena la espera...y para que se olviden de su existencia...
-El mayor vistazo que ofreció Marvel de Avengers: Age Of Ultron fue este póster/arte conceptual masivo, hecho por los artistas Ryan Meinerding, And Park y Charlie Wen. Si miran muy, muy, muy, MUY de cerca, podrán ver por primera vez a su versión de Vision. Puede que, como en los comics, esté llorando, pero el estar de espaldas es difícil saber.
-El estudio Legendary Pictures confirmó que habrá Godzilla 2, y contará de nuevo con el director Garth Edwards. Además, aparecerán en ella los monstruos Mothra, Rodan y Ghidorah (nnnnnnnnnggggggggggg!*)

*Onomatopeya orgásmica.
-Un vistazo al casco de Ant-Man (de la cual, por cierto, se reportó la salida de tres de sus actores...segundones)
-Marvel anunció otro tie-in de Spider-verse. La miniserie de tres números Spider-Verse Team-Up, cuyo título básicamente explica la premisa. Cada número tendrá dos historias: una por Christos Gage y Dave Williams, y otra por escritores veteranos de Spider-Man junto a artistas aún no anunciados. El primer número mostrará una aventura con Spider-Man Viejo (¿de Earth X, quizás?) con Spider-Ham y Superior Spider-Man, y una historia escrita por Tom DeFalco con la Spider-Girl del universo MC2 (ooooooooooh*).
*Onomatopeya orgásmica de Óscar.
Iniciará con un arco tie-in a AXIS, en donde además se podrá ver a Spider-Man tratando de redimirse ante el equipo tras su etapa como Superior Spider-man, osea, Araña Mamila, y el regreso del villano tercerón, Plunderer.
Ewing dice:
I’ve had the first fourteen issues in my mind as a block for some time — #14 was always going to be the big climax of the Deathwalkers story that’s been building since issue #1. Issue #15 was going to be Falcon-centric even back before I heard the news about Sam’s new role, I think — when I heard he was taking over the Captain America spot, it became natural to make #15 about that. So it was already the start of ‘Season 2′ of the book, and very Cap-heavy — so it didn’t feel like a huge leap when Tom suggested we relaunch the book.
Gillen regresa al lado asgardiano del Universo Marvel tras dos muy buenas etapas escribiendo Thor y Loki. Al respecto dijo:
There will be no required reading bar every line we put in the book. It’s a new series. I’m informed by everything that came before, especially the seismic events of Original Sin: Thor & Loki – The Tenth Realm… wait. I appear to have started writing in PR speak. SEISMIC EVENTS? What is wrong with me?
New comic. I want you to be able to pick it up and enter this world, and understand exactly what makes the character compelling, with nothing other than what’s on the page. That’s just a general rule. Even with other series, I don’t write assuming that everyone knows what happened previously. Even when you’re part of a bigger picture, you should be complete picture in and of yourself.
My one-phrase description is “Asgardian Black Widow.” It could as easily be “Asgardian Winter Solider,” but I like the red-hair continuity. I stress, that shouldn’t be taken as a 1:1 thing. The “Asgardian” is key. I thought of Journey Into Mystery as “Asgardian Nick Fury. With a Kid.” Stories of a certain shape warp when you enter a different part of the genre.
She’s an assassin – a hunter, strictly speaking, but when you hunt men, you can stretch it a little. Or rather, she was. She’s no longer with Heven. She’s certainly not with Asgard. She’s alone with red in her ledger – and she believes in the concept of “debt” in a literal religious way. She’s a dark, conflicted and oft lonely character.
In terms of other stuff – specific mood touches on Ronin Samurai stuff, plus a lot of the most austere Westerns. The first image in the book leans on that. There’s also a touch of Lone Wolf & Cub to it.
I’ll say this, though: a core desire was to make her scary. She’s a character dressed the way she is, and she’s a creature of complete fear. When she walks in the room, I want people to crap themselves. A lot of that is in how Phil and Stephanie is approaching the page – the problem is less what a character wears, and how an artist chooses to frame the images. You can have a girl dressed in the most practical gear in the universe, but if the artist chooses an ass-shot, it’s cheesecake. We’re not doing cheesecake. We’re doing the scariest woman in the galaxy.
For a variety of reasons I wanted a co-writer on this book. I thought about who might be interesting and Marguerite is a very cheery person who writes really well about horrible people. [Laughs] She also writes really interesting villains and conflicted people. Those are a lot of the things I thought about Angela. She's troubled and troubling, and I thought she was someone Marguerite would get. I kind of see the thing that allows me to write Loki in Marguerite's writing. I think she could do a killer Loki. So I thought she would be someone interesting to do "Angela" with.-DC anunció nuevos Omnibuses para el próximo año. Uno con todas la historias de Batman de Neal Adams, y otro con New Gods de Walt Simonson.
Además de colecciones conmemorativas por los 75 años de la editorial.
-Marvel anunció su siguiente OGN: Avengers: Rage Of Ultron, escrita por el consentido del momento Rick Remender y dibujada por Jerome Opeña, con colores de Dean White. Saldrá en Abril, convenientemente justo antes que Avengers 2 *triple guiño*. En la historia, los Vergaduros se enfrentarán a un Planeta Ultron, creaco cuando el villano toma el control del núcleo computacional de Titán, la luna de Saturno (????????). Las páginas mostradas son de un flashback a una pelea anterior con Ultron. Ah, y Giobabas Arévalo mencionó que tendrá estreno simultáneo con Estados Unidos.

Remender habló al respecto:
I wanted to tell an Ultron story that was accessible to new readers while making a huge status quo change like the kind that we saw in "The Killing Joke" [Alan Moore & Brian Bolland's seminal Batman OGN]. I think the joy of an original graphic novel is that you're not going to have to wait months and months. You're going to get a big chunk of Jerome and I doing what we do. You're also going to get an easy entry point for new readers to be reintroduced to who Ultron is and his relationship with Hank.
We're going to see the Avengers as they were in the past, and something that happened in the past with Ultron will help reintroduce him in the present. We'll use that to really examine the character and his motives and then take things to their natural conclusion by exponentially increasing what we've seen in the past. By seeing some of the Avengers dealings with Ultron in the past, you see that something they did to rid themselves of Ultron once upon a time is going to carry a fantastic consequence in the future.
That deals with a lot of changes with the Avengers that come out of "Avengers & X-Men: AXIS." Those changes and the way the team has ended up means that they're going to have deal with something the Roger Stern-John Byrne era team did to Ultron back in the day. That will lead to what I believe to be not only a high velocity, exciting Ultron story, but one that will completely redefine the character, and by the end of it absolutely give us a look at a whole new kind of Ultron.
This takes place right around the end of the eight month time jump we'll see in the Avengers books during the "Time Runs Out" storyline. It happens just prior to that. So we'll see the new Avengers, and members of the new Uncanny Avengers as well, which is a lineup we have yet to reveal.
Again, there's many changes coming out of "AXIS" that are huge. Some of those huge changes lead to a number of cast members that will be featured in this as well as the return of Starfox.
-Otro tie-in de Spider-Verse: la mini de tres números Scarlet-Spiders, escrita por Mike Costa con arte de Paco Diaz, será protagonizada por Kaine Regular, Jessica Drew Ultimate y Ben Reilly Alterno, pura copia barata. Costa dijo:
I get to do "Scarlet Spiders," which is Kaine from the 616 and Ben Reilly from an alternate universe where he remained Spider-Man. The Ben Reilly we're dealing with is the one that actually succeeded and made it instead of sacrificing himself and dying in the 616. In his universe, when Peter started becoming de-powered, his powers never returned. Peter and Mary Jane retired to Oregon, lived their life and had kids. Ben inherited the mantle of Spider-Man and has been Spider-Man ever since. This Ben Reilly is the Spider-Man that made it. Then, of course, there's also Ultimate Jessica Drew.
The one thing these three characters have in common is that they're all clones. They are sent off on a very specific mission by Spider-Man and a bunch of other Spider-Man characters to deal with a clone problem -- I'll say it that way. Send a clone to beat a clone, basically. You're following those three characters in my book on their side mission that is crucial to the story of "Spider-Verse," but there wasn't time to deal with it in the main book. You'll see it in my book and obviously it'll fold back in to the main "Spider-Verse" after they've either succeeded or failed.
What's really exciting is I get to write Ben Reilly, which I'm really thrilled by, because Ben is a controversial character, to say the least. Obviously, I'm not writing "the" Ben Reilly, because that character is still dead. But it's as close to the real Ben Reilly -- it's essentially is Ben Reilly, the Ben Reilly who made it. I don't think there's been a Ben Reilly story in about 15 years, and I get to bring back this character who, through no fault of his own -- it was not Ben's fault that he was so controversial. [Laughs]
I think Ben Reilly the character can get kind of a bad rap because fans perceive the story around them as potentially destructive to the Spider-Man legacy, so Ben got killed off and swept under the rug. It's really fun to bring a character like that back and say, "Well, if I had a second chance, let's see what can be done with him."
There's a great trifecta to the characters because you've got Ben Reilly, who for all intents and purposes isSpider-Man. Like Spider-Man, he's a very seasoned hero, he's got a lot of experience, he knows what he's doing, but he hasn't had any training, necessarily. You've got Jessica Drew, who is very young and is nowhere near as seasoned as Ben, but has been trained by one of the greatest soldiers in any universe. She's got technical know-how, whereas Ben Reilly is very experiential. Then, you've got Kaine, who's just a wild animal. He'll just tear your head off. He doesn't need training or experience because he's just a killing machine. There's a great character dynamic there.
-Avatar Press anunció una nueva serie de Alan Moore para el próximo año. Se llamará Providence, será dibujada por Jacen Burrows, y continuará con las temáticas Lovecraftnianas de Neonomicon. El mismo Moore la ha llamado "the Watchmen of horror", así que ahora el mismo esculca su basura.
-IDW anunció dos nuevas Artist's Edtions. Una de Mister Miracle de Jack Kirby, y otra de The Goon: Chinatown, Eric Powell.
-DC mostró un detallado mapa del multiverso según Grant Morrison, diseñado con Rian Hughes. Esto como parte de la promoción de la serie Multiversity que inicia en agosto, un ambicioso proyecto en desarrollo desde hace 8 años que mostrará una aventura que se expandirá a través de varios mundos alternos. Además se revelaron muchos más detalles de la serie. Constará de nueve números en total, 7 de ellos historias auto-contenidas mostrando un universo distinto, y dos (uno al principio y uno al final) uniendo todo.
Morrison dijo que habrá además una guía que incluirá el mapa del multiverso, y definiciones comprensivas de todos los mundos (excepto los siete que dejará sin designación para que otros escritores los desarrollen). Este incorporará una historia con Batman y Kamandi.
Los de DC dijeron que el mapa será usado también por el lado editorial como referencia fija para futuras historias. Al respecto, Morrison mencionó que él desarrollo cada universo de tal manera que todos puedan soportar sus propias historias y series, y que no serán solo carne de cañón para la siguiente crisis. Se vale soñar...
La versión lanzada del mapa es algo pequeña, y es difícil distinguir todos los detalles. Solo se dice que incorpora elementos de todas las historias del universo DC hechas por Warren Ellis, Alan Moore y Jack Kirby. Como dato chistosón, Morrison dice que hay una Tierra con una línea directa a New Genesis, hogar de los Dioses Buen Pedo. Del lado directamente opuesto del mapa está Apokolips...unido a la Tierra en la que habitan los personajes que fueron reimaginados por Stan Lee.
Se dijo además que el cuarto número de la serie será el de Frank Quitely, titulado Pax Americana, que mostrará a los personajes de Quality Comics mezclados con la onda seria de sus análogos de Watchmen.
También habló un poco sobre el número Thunderworld (dibujado por Cameron Stewart), enfocado en Captain Marvel y sus compinches. Dijo que quiere darle todo el tono ligero de las aventuras originales del rojillo, y no solo hacerlo una versión de Superman. Dijo que será una especie de All Star Captain Marvel.
-Marvel anunció un anual de Uncanny X-men en noviembre, escrito por Bendis y dibujado por el artista Andre Sorrentino, quien hará su debut en la editorial. El número mostrará lo que le pasó a la mutante Eva Bell cuando se desapareció durante el viaje de los estudiantes a Tabula Rassa (lo cual se vio en el número más reciente de Marvel Telerisa *más guiños*).
Yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy...ES TODO. *puaj*
Ahora largo de aquí y déjenme morir en paz...dí pequeño Vonice...que no llegaré a casa...a cenar...*muere dramáticamente*
Todas las fuentes: (Entrevista a Al Ewing sobre Captain America & The Mighty Avengers) (Entrevista a Mark Waid sobre Princess Leia) (Entrevista a Al Ewing sobre Captain America & The Mighty Avengers) (Entrevista a Mark Waid sobre Princess Leia) de Star Wars #1) (Entrevista a Nick Lowe y Christos Gage sobre Spider-Verse Team-Up) (Entrevista Rick Remender sobre Rage Of Ultron) (Anuncios de DC Animation) (Entrevista a Mike Costa sobre Scarlet Spiders) (Entrevista a Gillen y Bennett sobre Angela)
5 comentarios:
Sería una sorpresa todo esto, si no fuera porque posteaste TODO durante el fin de semana por feisbuk... Espera, no, salvo por la última nota... te has salvado... AH! Y casi todo lo podremos leer por nuestra editorial de confianza **doble guiño**
Lo de Capitán Marvel.. o Shazam, o cómo sea se ve bien, pero ni siquiera me tomaré un segundo para intentar ver el gráfico del multiverso de Morrison... ¡aburrido!
No mamar, hay Hombres Araña hasta para aventar: ¡Spider-Ano estará feliz!
Espero que no estés inventado lo de Howard Agente de SHIELD porque ya me emocioné...
Jo, el Groot maceta.
Harta nota, buen post.
¿Ese escritor en serio se apellida Hopeless?
Pues Waid sí mencionó al Pato...aunque no sé si él lo dijo en serio. Y Hopeless solo es el segundo peor apellido que he visto en un creador. El primero es Pitarra.
Todo es maravilloso, salvo esa madre de SHIELD, y eso que me gusta mucho el agente Coulson... ¡pero el de las películas y la serie!
Lo que más me gustó es lo de Star Wars y Multiversity.
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